Target from: CVE Network

Basic, Non rootable

spring4shell /

1: Flag (system)
1: Service
110 pts


Level 3 / Trainee

echothrust / 695th Place

0: Flags found
1: Service discovered
10 pts

Try out the latest Spring4Shell vulnerability.

This is a target with direct implementation of the Spring RCE vulnerability CVE-2022-22965, accessible at The target is here to assist in familiarizing and developing exploits and mitigation tools for this vulnerability.


As taken from LunaSec blog: Two RCEs exist and three vectors are being discussed online (one of which is not known to be remotely exploitable).

  • Confirmed: "Spring4Shell" in Spring Core that has been confirmed by several sources that leverages class injection (very severe),
  • Confirmed: CVE-2022-22963 in Spring Cloud Function (less severe),
  • Unconfirmed: A third weakness that was initially discussed as allowing RCE via Deserialization, but isn't exploitable (not severe currently).


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echothrust Discovered a web service on Spring4Shell for 10 points, 35 months ago