Target from: CTF Playground
2: Flags (2:app
1: Service
1,310 pts
Avg. headshot: 2,585 minutes
1: Flags found
1: Service discovered
510 pts
Visit the page and pay attention at the files included and their locations.
Proxying requests with user provided input can lead to catastrophic consequences. See if you can grab the flags by:
- accessing the index.html from the internal web server
- by making the server perform a request to a server controlled by you
To start the challenge connect to Your timer starts from the first time you connect to the service.
49 Headshots (newer first)
alamillo, c0nfirm, echoOne, Ckabos, slash, napejpfonip, carloslaguna, lisibus, kr0w, Atlantica, GuyFawkes, doofyr, Byt3P4ss, xRuL0, fakeIn, b3li4d, Six666, poggiesai, cavca2012
uApocryphon, DamianPellejero, userctf, antonioban, jaxafed, 4rl4dn4, noother, markuche, AskTaimoor, No0ne, NoBody, Clientname, Tr1s, khaledsh, D1ie3z, ddr4ramm, bas1c, srrequiem, vicky5, Sev7en, PufferOverflow, 0x1337, Grosik, r0b0tG4nG, Muzec, biba22, g0rchy, hitmanalharbi, mpz, Pegasus
2 Writeups by:
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darklordbnl Got a flag from ginx for 500 points, 15 months ago
darklordbnl Is getting started with ginx for 10 points, 15 months ago