Target from: Escape Rooms Network

Intermediate, Non rootable, Timed

furnace /

4: Flags (3:app, env)
1: Service
1,410 pts
Avg. headshot: 1,317 minutes


Level 15 / Senior CTFer

michyamrane / 88th Place

0: Flags found
1: Service discovered
10 pts

How's your OS escalation skills? See if you can reach the final user (ETSCTF)

On each user you successfully escalate, there will be a flag on its home directory. This flag can also be used as a password to directly switch to that user (eg with su - crucible) at a later time so that you dont have to go through all the steps every time you re-connect.

To start the challenge connect with nc -t 1337, or telnet 1337. Your timer starts from the first time you connect to the service.

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michyamrane Is getting started with furnace for 10 points, 8 months ago