Target from: CTF Beginners
5: Flags (app, 2:system, env, root
1: Service
3,310 pts
5: Flags found
1: Service discovered
3,310 pts
48 minutes
This system generated a 20 character random word each time so guessing it is quite hard. Still there is a way to force your way around and get access to the flag that can be found on the same folder as the challenge.
To start the challenge connect with nc -t 1337
. Your timer starts from the first time you connect to the service.
140 Headshots (newer first)
babbage, TroyLynx, shyhat, PR4NKSTR0, JAVAZQUEZH8, Touchme, alamillo, ianri, RocketGoetia, Praise, adriglup, Ephaberg, solution, c0nfirm, hackercon101, bl4ckl0t0, pablocro, Sid110307, igatsby1
Veggie6636, karpik, katto, drchunGa, mgabcn, Astralis, gh0st1, jorumago, ArturoCM, GuyFawkes, Atlantica, d4n3li, carloslaguna, kr0w, g4bh4ck, VagelhsKatsouras, Ckabos, G1ggl3r, XNOEX, doofyr, freeeee980, fredblogz90, TheRealFredP3D, JoeLitti, ragdeyo, poggiesai, boyperfer, jacbra, tijzwa, slash, D4rkZone
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