Target from: CTF Beginners

2: Flags (2:app
1: Service
1,910 pts
1: Flags found
1: Service discovered
1,010 pts
Hack the bank terminal and read the contents of the flag table. There is also a flag on the current table being queried.
To start the challenge connect with nc 1337
. Your timer starts from the first time you connect to the service.
117 Headshots (newer first)
nudim, zu1u, jmgcaguiclahayyim, babbage, shyhat, JAVAZQUEZH8, Touchme, PR4NKSTR0, alamillo, ianri, c0nfirm, Atlantica, bl4ckl0t0, igatsby1, G1ggl3r, katto, karpik, Veggie6636, drchunGa
mgabcn, theCodingKid18, Astralis, kazp3r4200, bruma, issaurb, gh0st1, jorumago, GuyFawkes, ArturoCM, XNOEX, g4bh4ck, lisibus, carloslaguna, kr0w, VagelhsKatsouras, fredblogz90, vicarus, ericksonico, Lorne, JoeLitti, ragdeyo, sp4t7y, poggiesai, boyperfer, nairolf32, doofyr, jacbra, tijzwa, slash, D4rkZone