Target from: CTF Beginners

1: Flag (app
1: Service
300 pts
1: Flags found
1: Service discovered
155 pts
32 minutes
This API changes password with every request, see if you can find a way to authenticate successfully. There is no need for brute-forcing the authentication with random passwords. However, you may have to try a couple of times the same authentication to get it working... Even if the password is just 1 digit!!!
To start the challenge connect to Your timer starts from the first time you connect to the service.
142 Headshots (newer first)
nudim, SerasLain, cybermindx, Kall, zu1u, huevasesin, shuciran, jmgcaguiclahayyim, babbage, Dave7, Touchme, JAVAZQUEZH8, alamillo, ianri, c0nfirm, bowser, mestrepunto, guguvk, bl4ckl0t0
Sid110307, igatsby1, Ckabos, karpik, drchunGa, mgabcn, Veggie6636, katto, Astralis, theCodingKid18, jorumago, GuyFawkes, Juanmecanico01, ArturoCM, Atlantica, napejpfonip, d4n3li, lisibus, carloslaguna, g4bh4ck, G1ggl3r, XNOEX, doofyr, VagelhsKatsouras, JoeLitti, ragdeyo, poggiesai, boyperfer, jacbra, tijzwa, Yinbiskit
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