7: Flags (5:other, env, root
2: Services
8,100 pts
Avg. headshot: 35,399 minutes
5: Flags found
2: Services discovered
5,700 pts
Like Smithers this server will serve you well only if you manage to enter it's memcached store.
358 Headshots (newer first)
g2eg02y, Rootless, bl4ckl0t0, TentacleX, idh4cD, hackercon101, 0xh4sh, c0nfirm, prahordot, canary, sh1n1gam1, r00tbot, s4wbvnny, NImporteQui, Anointed, villegassg, DystopianRescuer, mrtaichi, Eth3rnal
p3rc3v4l, unmapacheanonimo, pablocro, Caritattriste, Xueba, guguvk, Veggie6636, ReyLagarto, TheUnknownHack3r, 0xaNr, d3c0d3rh3x, mgabcn, chochos, SantyNog7, karpik, Joseph615, l1ttl3bugc4t, b3li4d, Ktenshi03, Six666, blu3ming, fakeIn, katto, drchunGa, kazp3r4200, Cyberlomel, MaxNepe, Khelthal, Astralis, SrDFortesque, Byt3B3rs3rk
Activity Stream
Latest activity on the platform
malps Injected a key with the correct value into memory object caching system for 1000 points, 1 month ago
malps Injected a key into memory object caching system for 1000 points, 1 month ago
malps Discovered a memory object caching system and crashed it for 1000 points, 1 month ago
malps Escalated privilege on a server to read any file for 1500 points, 1 month ago
malps Discovered a treasure on a memory object caching system for 1000 points, 1 month ago
malps Discovered a web application for 100 points, 1 month ago
malps Discovered the port of a memory caching daemon for 100 points, 1 month ago