7: Flags (5:other, env, root
2: Services
8,100 pts
Avg. headshot: 35,322 minutes
0: Flags found
1: Service discovered
100 pts
Like Smithers this server will serve you well only if you manage to enter it's memcached store.
363 Headshots (newer first)
kd3n4, alisa, UnknownSquad, cyberghost404, PR4NKSTR0, g2eg02y, Rootless, bl4ckl0t0, ekkofed, idh4cD, hackercon101, 0xh4sh, c0nfirm, prahordot, canary, sh1n1gam1, r00tbot, s4wbvnny, NImporteQui
Anointed, villegassg, DystopianRescuer, mrtaichi, Eth3rnal, p3rc3v4l, unmapacheanonimo, pablocro, Caritattriste, Xueba, guguvk, Veggie6636, ReyLagarto, TheUnknownHack3r, 0xaNr, d3c0d3rh3x, mgabcn, chochos, SantyNog7, karpik, Joseph615, l1ttl3bugc4t, b3li4d, Ktenshi03, Six666, blu3ming, fakeIn, katto, drchunGa, kazp3r4200, Cyberlomel
Activity Stream
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hacktopus Discovered a web application for 100 points, 49 months ago