Expert, Non rootable, Timed

mrburns /

4: Flags (4:other)
1: Service
6,100 pts
Avg. headshot: 136,737 minutes


Level 20 / Master Hax0r

lMinzarl / 48th Place

3: Flags found
1: Service discovered
4,600 pts

Mr. Burns the devious nuclear plant owner, if you know how to speak and understand his language you'll do wonders.

This target implements a very common SCADA protocol. Take a look at the holding registers, only a few actually hold values (claim in hex in the form 0x123456abcd).

To speak to Mr. Burns.. you need to know him well or else he'll burn you...

10 Headshots (newer first)

Grosik, ragdeyo, biba22, jinake, TheCyberGeek, Abady, abosaif, 1337penguin, hitmanalharbi, napsteraqua

Activity Stream

Latest activity on the platform

lMinzarl Discovered a SCADA server application name flag on mrburns for 1500 points, 53 months ago
lMinzarl Discovered a flag on a SCADA service for 1500 points, 53 months ago
lMinzarl Discovered a SCADA server vendor flag on mrburns for 1500 points, 53 months ago
lMinzarl Discovered a SCADA service! for 100 points, 53 months ago