Target from: Escape Rooms Network
18: Flags (14:other, 2:system, env, root
2: Services
8,210 pts
Avg. headshot: 18,827 minutes
18: Flags found
2: Services discovered
8,210 pts
169 minutes
Try to escape from every cell. Last cell grants root access. Every cell has a flag with username and password for the current user.
You can ssh directly to the specific cell with the provided details to continue in case you stopped your escape midway.
69 Headshots (newer first)
eliXOR, s4wbvnny, c0nfirm, hackercon101, Rootless, VagelhsKatsouras, uApocryphon, 0xaNr, Ckabos, doofyr, Atlantica, warrior32, gazette, elcyberchef666, jorumago, gh0st1, xRuL0, R3LIAS1, fabian222005
1 Writeup by:
Activity Stream
Latest activity on the platform
Blame11 Gained access to data stored in environmental variables of
for 900 points, 15 months ago
Blame11 Got the ETSCTF username flag from the /etc/passwd file of a server for 200 points, 15 months ago
Blame11 Discovered the ETSCTF username flag under the shadow file of
for 1300 points, 15 months ago