6: Flags (2:other, 2:system, env, root
1: Service
5,300 pts
Avg. headshot: 9,932 minutes
1: Flags found
1: Service discovered
200 pts
In the Coon and Friends franchise, Wendy, or else
Call Girl
, is responsible for the network security of all the members.
26 Headshots (newer first)
D4rkZone, Byt3P4ss, jaxafed, noother, M4sk0ff, xcode0x, D1ie3z, Sev7en, srrequiem, Grosik, ragdeyo, hacker, biba22, hax3xploit, wonderchild, g0rchy, Pegasus, Wh04m1, r0b0tG4nG
TheCyberGeek, PufferOverflow, lMinzarl, AKMalware, abosaif, hitmanalharbi, mpz
Activity Stream
Latest activity on the platform
SnaggleTooth77 Discovered the hidden resource of a web server for 100 points, 46 months ago
SnaggleTooth77 Discovered a target host for 100 points, 46 months ago