Target from: HackGDL 2024

3: Flags (3:other
1: Service
400 pts
Avg. headshot: 4,834 minutes
3: Flags found
1: Service discovered
400 pts
5 minutes
Can you sniff out all the flags, are you a super web hound?
62 Headshots (newer first)
bowser, NImporteQui, poggiesai, c0nfirm, s4wbvnny, alisa, hackercon101, Caritattriste, mestrepunto, Rootless, Dych0t0m0us, aranx6, guguvk, kowalski, shyhat, elferoxbuster666, xeniel, drchunGa, danB
Atlantica, chochos, ReyLagarto, Khelthal, SantyNog7, igatsby1, cavca2012, t3zcatlip0ca, r00tbot, Carlgauss221, mrtaichi, AgenteOrnitorrinco, S4lch1, pap4s, warrior32, Berna117TNT, Luxtop, jaxafed, hydr4sh3ll, Orakmack, Elforenseloko57, markosh, Karoliss, B13ss3d, Ghidra, xRuL0, L4R05, sp4t7y, michyamrane, doofyr, lacm
2 Writeups by:
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