Intermediate, Rootable, Timed

tweek /

10: Flags (6:other, 2:system, env, root)
1: Service
6,500 pts
Avg. headshot: 80,505 minutes


Level 4 / User

b1odhz48 / 618th Place

0: Flags found
1: Service discovered
50 pts

Tweek has setup his own blog to share his thoughts on school and the latest adventures of Wonder Tweek.

His blog is closely associated with Craig's, since both systems are installed by Wendy. And those who know Wendy, know that she likes her drupal crontabs executed every minute on the spot, by the infamous DrupalConsole...

Activity Stream

Latest activity on the platform

b1odhz48 Discovered a web service on target tweek for 50 points, 42 months ago