8: Flags (user, 3:other, 2:system, env, root
2: Services
7,200 pts
Avg. headshot: 65,535 minutes
0: Flags found
1: Service discovered
100 pts
Terrance talks a lot, through a
and jibberish sound like language, that is old - but not outdated...
33 Headshots (newer first)
s4wbvnny, Ckabos, 0xaNr, Astralis, Atlantica, Lxrsys, xeniel, xRuL0, jaxafed, M4sk0ff, noother, Deformater, igorduino, mikejam, xcode0x, srrequiem, Grosik, PufferOverflow, biba22
g0rchy, sn1per, Pegasus, r0b0tG4nG, TheCyberGeek, Wh04m1, lMinzarl, AKMalware, abosaif, l4dyr00t, mpz, napsteraqua, hitmanalharbi, Abady
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