Target from: Learning Labs

Basic, Non rootable

rghettoql /

6: Flags (6:app)
1: Service
70 pts


Level 14 / CTFer

warrior32 / 92nd Place

0: Flags found
1: Service discovered
10 pts

This machine aims to:

  • Help you study what is GraphQL
  • Provide an analysis on the usage of GraphQL - from an AppSec point of view
  • Help you identify potential weaknesses on which attacks can be mounted
In order to make the machine a bit more entertaining, we have planted some flags all around. All the flags have this pattern: ETSCTF_******_FLAG, so if you see them go and claim them.

1 Headshot

Activity Stream

Latest activity on the platform

warrior32 Is getting started with rghettoql for 10 points, 11 months ago