Advanced, Rootable, Timed

milhouse /

9: Flags (6:other, system, env, root)
2: Services
5,100 pts
Avg. headshot: 100,960 minutes


Level 20 / Master Hax0r

L4R05 / 33rd Place

1: Flags found
2: Services discovered
300 pts

Milhouse, a side character included into the infrastructure. Although he's closest relative in our network is barney, they have nothing to do with each other.

I mean Milhouse was born on August 2001 and Barney sometime around 1993

27 Headshots (newer first)

Activity Stream

Latest activity on the platform

L4R05 Discovered an SSH service on a target host for 100 points, 18 months ago
L4R05 Discovered an ETSCTF flag from host milhouse for 100 points, 18 months ago
L4R05 Discovered a target host for 100 points, 18 months ago