5: Flags (other, 2:system, env, root
2: Services
5,300 pts
Avg. headshot: 27,378 minutes
5: Flags found
2: Services discovered
5,300 pts
8,151 minutes
Are you A-listed? Well not to worry, this has nothing to do with that...
99 Headshots (newer first)
SantyNog7, guguvk, Jules22, Flooor, kd3n4, hackercon101, UnknownSquad, katto, poggiesai, hitmanalharbi, g2eg02y, bl4ckl0t0, 0xh4sh, c0nfirm, TroyLynx, DystopianRescuer, mrtaichi, Caritattriste, Eth3rnal
72DEADB0D1ES, D5yR4Mx0, stellarix, Veggie6636, sh4d3, slash, markuche, 0xaNr, karpik, Ktenshi03, Joseph615, fakeIn, seetease8, scarly, shuciran, 0xL3dAv, B13ss3d, Khelthal, Atlantica, Astralis, trucokisk, d00msl4y3r, Berna117TNT, warrior32, rootripper, Karoliss, XMLRPC, doofyr, XNOEX, elcyberchef666, elferoxbuster666