Target from: CTF Playground

Basic, Non rootable, Timed

ezleaky /

1: Flag (app)
1: Service
700 pts
Avg. headshot: 6,243 minutes


Level 15 / Senior CTFer

rootripper / 83rd Place

1: Flags found
1: Service discovered
700 pts
71 minutes

There is brute force and there is optimized brute force, the difference can be a few bazillion requests...

Keep in mind that all our flags start with ETSCTF_, that is 7 letters gifted to you.

Here is another gift, there are only 14 unique letters in there (excluding the prefix). This means that if you found a letter at one position, chances are that it is going to exist also at another one also.

Activity Stream

Latest activity on the platform

rootripper managed to headshot [ezleaky], in 71 minutes, 19 months ago
rootripper Got the ETSCTF flag from ezleaky for 600 points, 19 months ago
rootripper Is getting started with ezleaky for 100 points, 19 months ago