4: Flags (2:system, env, root
1: Service
4,800 pts
Avg. headshot: 47,858 minutes
4: Flags found
1: Service discovered
4,350 pts
103 minutes
Flanders simple and kind, always ready to to give a helping hand. His
favorite catch phrase is Okily Dokily
Catch phrase sounds like a pass phrase, only without space
460 Headshots (newer first)
mibluestacks00, shanehrd07, kd3n4, akdangerous, kobbycber, PR4NKSTR0, brootware, g2eg02y, Anointed, Rootless, ekkofed, Praise, burian17, eliteX, 0xh4sh, mestrepunto, MrHarley, cookedpotato, r00tbot
c0nfirm, hackercon101, AgNO3, 72DEADB0D1ES, s4wbvnny, JFD6319, NImporteQui, bl4ckl0t0, Xueba, chochos, villegassg, Eth3rnal, mrtaichi, Caritattriste, caritatriste, sh4d3, Sid110307, ReyLagarto, unmapacheanonimo, TroyLynx, TheUnknownHack3r, Veggie6636, 0xaNr, Avilix, d3c0d3rh3x, guguvk, mgabcn, yutse, amdrrr, karpik, Joseph615
Activity Stream
Latest activity on the platform
0xAce Gained access to data stored in environmental variables of flanders for 450 points, 42 months ago
0xAce Discovered the ETSCTF username flag under an authentication database file of a server for 1300 points, 42 months ago
0xAce Got access to the /root folder of flanders for 1500 points, 42 months ago
0xAce Discovered the ETSCTF flag from a password file of a server for 1000 points, 42 months ago
0xAce Discovered a target service on flanders for 100 points, 42 months ago