4: Flags (2:system, env, root
1: Service
4,800 pts
Avg. headshot: 48,061 minutes
0: Flags found
1: Service discovered
100 pts
Flanders simple and kind, always ready to to give a helping hand. His
favorite catch phrase is Okily Dokily
Catch phrase sounds like a pass phrase, only without space
458 Headshots (newer first)
kd3n4, akdangerous, kobbycber, PR4NKSTR0, brootware, g2eg02y, Anointed, Rootless, ekkofed, Praise, burian17, eliteX, 0xh4sh, mestrepunto, MrHarley, cookedpotato, r00tbot, c0nfirm, hackercon101
AgNO3, 72DEADB0D1ES, s4wbvnny, JFD6319, NImporteQui, bl4ckl0t0, Xueba, chochos, villegassg, Eth3rnal, mrtaichi, Caritattriste, caritatriste, sh4d3, Sid110307, ReyLagarto, unmapacheanonimo, TroyLynx, TheUnknownHack3r, Veggie6636, 0xaNr, Avilix, d3c0d3rh3x, guguvk, mgabcn, yutse, amdrrr, karpik, Joseph615, SantyNog7, Ktenshi03
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ChaimaGharbi Discovered a target service on flanders for 100 points, 3 months ago