Target from: CTF Playground
3: Flags (3:app
1: Service
1,150 pts
Avg. headshot: 1,506 minutes
2: Flags found
1: Service discovered
800 pts
Welcome to the headirector of nginx, where we are always happy to (HEAD)direct you, so many times, it will give you headache...
56 Headshots (newer first)
Dave7, Veggie6636, Touchme, JAVAZQUEZH8, alamillo, ianri, hackercon101, c0nfirm, unmapacheanonimo, katto, Sid110307, Ckabos, mgabcn, drchunGa, karpik, cavca2012, d4n3li, TheRealFredP3D, jorumago
GuyFawkes, napejpfonip, lisibus, carloslaguna, kr0w, Atlantica, doofyr, catdevurandom, Byt3P4ss, Elforenseloko57, Ghidra, JoeLitti, poggiesai, slash, hazy, brave, darklordbnl, danahe, DamianPellejero, TXHackMexUser, Pablo977, mordo3, NotBDrag0n, froglegseternal, userctf, skrcprst, jaxafed, antonioban, uApocryphon, 4rl4dn4, noother