Details for Network [HackGDL 2024]

Target list

List of currently available targets

lightly.hackgdl.ctflightly 1/0 1/0 54
pingy.hackgdl.ctfpingy 1/0 1/0 71
sunshine.hackgdl.ctfsunshine 1/0 1/0 35
webhound.hackgdl.ctfwebhound 1/0 3/0 62
tts-api.hackgdl.ctftts-api 1/0 1/0 27
inspector.hackgdl.ctfinspector 1/0 1/0 36
labeller.hackgdl.ctflabeller 1/0 1/0 13
mockingbird.hackgdl.ctfmockingbird 1/0 1/0 19
reporter.hackgdl.netreporter 1/0 1/0 5
rexado.hackgdl.ctfrexado 2/0 5/0 9
spreader.hackgdl.ctfspreader 1/0 1/0 21
minotaur.hackgdl.ctfminotaur 2/0 5/0 2

HackGDL 2024

12 targets

This network hosts the machines that were used during the HackGDL 2024 online CTF.
The targets were developed with helping beginners in mind as a way to help them get familiar with the concept of a CTF and cybersecurity in general. As such most targets have one or two flags in order to keep things simplified.
We hope you enjoy them.