Target from: CTF Beginners
1: Flag (app
1: Service
300 pts
0: Flags found
1: Service discovered
10 pts
This system utilizes the same techniques as many famous web based cryptocurrency miners. Be patient and pay close attention to your browser requests.
To start the challenge connect to Your timer starts from the first time you connect to the service.
200 Headshots (newer first)
alamillo, bowser, Ephaberg, satanasov, solution, guguvk, Praise, c0nfirm, hackercon101, bl4ckl0t0, HellsPurple, pablocro, Sid110307, azcrew, marcosSchmidt, joaocassol, igatsby1, danB, karpik
Veggie6636, drchunGa, mgabcn, katto, Astralis, theCodingKid18, Didez20, issaurb, bruma, jorumago, edualv1904, gh0st1, GuyFawkes, Atlantica, d4n3li, lisibus, napejpfonip, carloslaguna, g4bh4ck, Ckabos, G1ggl3r, freeeee980, XNOEX, doofyr, fredblogz90, TheRealFredP3D, VagelhsKatsouras, JoeLitti, sh4d3, Lorne, vicarus
1 Writeup by:
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